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"Russia's Constitutional Dictatorship: A Brief History," 29 U. MIA Int'l & Comp. L. Rev. 192, Fall 2021.

“Apathy Revisited,” Italian Law Journal, June 2018.  

“The Countermajoritarian Opportunity? Rights and Immigration in the New Europe,” Harvard International Law Journal, Online, Fall 2013.  

“Political Parties and the Constitution,” in András Sajó and Michel Rosenfeld, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law, 2012. 
“Imaging a Qadi Court,” Material Religion, Volume 7, Issue 2, July 2011. 
“Constitutional Choice in Russia and Post-Communist Europe: Aggravating Democratic Possibilities” (with Timothy J. Colton), in Alfred Stepan, ed.,

Democracies in Danger: Diagnoses and Prescriptions (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009). 
“The Return to a Strong Presidency” (with Jonah D. Levy), in Alistair Cole, Patrick le Galès, and Jonah D. Levy, eds.,Developments in French Politics 4 (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008). 

“From ‘Just’ to Just ‘Decent’? Religious Diversity and the Reordering of the European Public Sphere,” Maryland Law Review, Vol. 67, Issue 1, pp. 258-280 (2007). 
“The ‘Newest’ Separation of Powers,” International Journal of Constitutional Law, Vol. 4, No. 4 (January 2007), pp. 93-121. 
“Leyla Sahin v. Turkey and ‘Teacher Headscarf Case’ BVerfG, Case No. 2BvR 1436/02,” American Journal of International Law, Centennial Issue, Vol. 100, No. 1 (January 2006), pp. 186-195. 
“Constitutional Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy,” Constitutional Political Economy, Vol. 16, No. 4 (December 2005). 
“The Russian Predicament” (with Timothy J. Colton), Journal of Democracy, Vol. 16, No. 3 (July 2005), pp. 113-126. 
“We, the Peoples? Constitutionalizing the European Union,” Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 43, No. 1 (March 2005), pp. 147-168. 
“Rethinking Judicial Review: Shaping the Toleration of Difference?” in Adam Czarnota, Martin Krygier, and Wojciech Sadurski, eds., Rethinking the Rule of Law after Communism: Constitutionalism, Dealing with the Past (Budapest:Central European University Press, 2005), pp. 61-74. 

“Constitutional Subtypes in Transition,” in Mihaela Serban Rosen, ed., Constitutionalism in Transition: Africa and Eastern Europe (Warsaw: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, 2003), pp. 121-129. 

“Parlamentarische oder präsidentielle Demokratie? Zum theoretischen Grenznutzen einer institutionellen Dichotomie in der Regierungslehre,” (with Bernhard Thibaut) in Rolf Hanisch, ed. Demokratieexport in die Länder des Südens? (Hamburg: Deutsches Übersee-Institut, 1996), pp. 

“Constitutional Frameworks and Democratic Consolidation: Parliamentarianism versus Presidentialism,” (with Alfred Stepan) World Politics, Vol. 46, No. 1 (October 1993), pp. 1-22. 
     —translated and published in Hungarian, Polish, Czech, Italian, Arabic, Portuguese and Spanish. 

     —reprinted in Alfred Stepan, Arguing Comparative Politics (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001), pp. 257-275. 

     —reprinted in Juan Linz and Arturo Valenzuela, eds., The Failure of Presidential Democracy (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994). 

     —reprinted in Mark Kesselman and Joel Krieger, eds., Readings in Comparative Politics (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2006),                              pp. 284-292. 
“Quadros metainstitucionais e consolidção democrática,” (with Alfred Stepan) in Bolívar Lamounier and Dieter Nohlen, eds., Presidencialismo ou Parlamentarismo: Perspecitvas sobre a Reorganização Institucional Brasileira, (São Paulo: IDESP, 1993), pp. 218-244. 
“Constitutional Democracy and its Critics,” Review of Walter Murphy, Constitutional Democracy: Creating and Maintaining a Just Political Order and Donald Lutz, Principles of Constitutional Design, in International Journal of Constitutional Law, Vol. 7, No. 1 (2009), pp. 175-181. 
“Constitutional Reform: The Best (Worst?) of Both Worlds,” ReVista, Fall 2002, pp. 30-31. 
“Democracy Under Siege,” Russia Watch, No. 4 (December 2000). 

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